Saturday, August 16, 2014

Habitat - Space

Charlotte is growing fast. Maturing too. It should soon be declared that she is in fact a female. Furthermore, it will be sooner than later whence this quickly advancing reptile will require yet another new home. Decidedly there will be necessary measures taken to create an outdoor habitat for her space placement to be zen and orderly. This will allow for more exercise and sunning time as well as serving as a feng shui environment for her human. The importance of the representation of our minds’ eye should lurk in every corner of our home, car, office; wherever you are, there you are - but should it not also be noted that wherever you are, you are being. Whenever one is being, one is alive and well. The effects of feng shui in the home are stunningly relevant to this notion. Hence the dedication toward Charlotte’z new ‘Web’. She will have reptile sand, running water and guppies, of course. It should be expected that the environment will create a minor reflection within Charlotte’z human counterpart whereupon the aura of this sweet turtle and her peaceful nature may shed light into the spaces in her mind. Turtles are extremely adaptable species. Over time, these amazing creatures have survived fire and ice, plague and continental shifts. Somehow, it should seem obvious that there is something to learn from the way they keep their space. The Zen Life.

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