Friday, January 9, 2015


Did you know that thirteen is actually a representation of the zodiacs… not some mysterious omen of bad luck?  Well, it was that too during the medieval times, but from where I stand… the Thirteen scutes on the bottom of my shell are representative of life itself…

Remember our previous discussions about the Chinese beliefs, and the Indians of North America too?

Here’s another spin:

Turtles also play a significant role in the zodiacs.  Perhaps you have studied astrology or maybe it interests you just enough to follow along here…

We’re going deep here people - get your snorkels on.

During the Neolithic period ---- whoa!  Pay attention here - the “Black Turtle” represented the North.  This is dating back to an era before civilizations!  

To give you some history - the Black Turtle of the North is one of four symbols within the Chinese thought, of constellations within our universe.  It may also be referred to as the Black Tortoise and is thought to protect the Northern cities.  While we know the turtle represents longevity, this was a powerful symbol of protection.

And so, herein… see the astrological significance of tortoises and turtles deriving from the Chinese Zodiacs…  

Tortoises have the Tropical Sun sign of Sagittarius, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Sheep.

Turtles have the Sun sign of Cancer, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rabbit.

This is what we call Primal Astrology - - - There is a deep connection here.  

For example, my human is a Tortoise, by nature of being a Sagittarius, by nature of the way the stars were aligned on the date and month and time that she was born.  So... this astrological alignment correlates with her spirit animal... (her primal zodiac sign) in Chinese is a Sheep.  This belief system follows many cultures throughout the world.  It is karmic.  As another example, in the Native American Indian civilizations, because of the way the stars are examined here, the spirit animals may be different according to each life path.  

These beliefs may also correlate with Numerology.

These are the deepest beliefs within this planet that serve more so as the concepts of different realms within this reality, that which we think we know, exists.

These are very philosophical thought processes and therefore some either do not know the existence of such a belief, or choose to disregard it completely.

There is lots to learn about the turtle and the combinations of influences that correlate alongside the myths and horoscopes and primal significances of our species.  Just as the zodiac is represented by signs and dates and years related to your birth charts… so as the turtle is represented throughout the primal aspect of astrology to outline the definitive chapters of your lives.

Further research may benefit you.  Or maybe not.  In the meantime, know that if a turtle crosses your path - there IS significance there.

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