Monday, April 27, 2015

Growing Up

Well, my human has had a rough go at inspiration regarding my story over the past several weeks so she decided to sit and chat with me.  For the first time in months she removed me from the tank for a short hour or so and was astonished to find how I have grown.  You must recognize how different I look to the human eye under water in comparison to being close up and personal.

I am getting so BIG!

Growing up is hard to do - that’s what I have heard people say anyway.  I do not think it is particularly difficult, really.  I just grow.  Not necessarily up either.  I guess humans grow UP - because they become taller as they grow.    I just grow larger.  By volume and weight.

Well too, I suppose I grow mentally.  Turtles are more instinctual animals rather than being classified as those that think.  As it is referred to as intelligence, ‘they say’ that turtles are not very smart.  I am not quite sure how that is classified… perhaps on the scale of IQ.  But I assure you, my brain is growing right along with my body.  Those scientists must know something about my brain that I do not!  Ha.

I sure do look like I am thinking a lot.  I will tell you what I think about - I think about FOOD.  It is all I do care about really - aside of my basking hours.  I must say, it is really a very simple life… Growing up shouldn’t be hard to do at all…..

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