Friday, September 5, 2014

Charlotte Dreams

According to studies, turtles do NOT dream. However, most studies turn to debates and are open to opinion. Charlotte Dreams. Most likely she dreams about food because that appears to be all she thinks about during her waking hours, as she skitters at the glass of her tank throughout the day, hoping her human will feed her some snacks. There are various representations available for the meaning of a turtle in a human dream. So, that brings the question to mind - if turtles do or could dream, what would they dream about? Dreaming is defined as the following, according to - - - A succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep - - - An involuntary vision occurring … when awake. - - - A vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie - - - An aspiration; goal; aim - - - A wild or vain fancy Then, think of this: Turtles have been populated upon this planet for millennia. Consider the deeper context within most of these definitions provided. Be creative here. Turtles must aspire for something or their species must not be able to survive. Finding the right mate, finding the right food. Sure, most of this could be purely instinct, but not according to Charlotte. What about a new rock or a different flavor guppy? Wouldn’t a turtle just as any other creature have the aspiration for a bigger, cleaner, sunnier post to bask? Charlotte has a deep meaning within. A representation of peace and good luck, among other pertaining characteristics such as longevity and wisdom. For this reason, perhaps it is not absurd to believe she dreams of frolicking through Shamrocks in Ireland. Or maybe swimming in a luscious pond in an exotic locale. Usually when it is time to wake her up in the morning she is refreshed and happy and seemingly prepared to face the new day. This must be an indication of a good nights rest, probably, maybe even a good dream or two. According to the definitions provided, it is only a perception of fact when we do not pay attention to details and therefore it may be determinable that turtles DO in fact dream. Some might say Charlotte cannot make friends either, but we have a better understanding here, now don’t we?

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