Friday, May 29, 2015


I’m just hanging out this week - not too much to say but a few words on redundancy.  I picked this topic because, well, it’s kind of a reflection of my life.   

I swim, I eat, I hang out with Spencer.  Sometimes I climb upon the rocks to take a bask.  Every day my human feeds us at morning and night.  Once in a while she brings us outside to play in the grass.  She lets us out in the house every now and again.  This gives us a chance to explore and get out of the tank to dry ourselves some.

Anyway, pretty boring, you think?  Well, you thought wrong.  My life may be redundant from day to day but I am a turtle after all.  Slow is how we roll.  I happen to think we live an extraordinary adventure each moment we are alive.

So let’s talk about redundancy then - you’re definition of the word is probably far different than mine because you see, I am a species born of instinct and intuition.  Therefore to be redundant is merely my life cycle.  

You may notice redundancy in your life from time to time.  Waking up, eating, eating again and again, and going to sleep each day - something about showers and brushing your teeth probably fits in there.  Nonetheless, this is redundant behavior, no?

Well - the dictionary defines “Redundant” as something being ‘in excess’.  There are obviously a few definitions to correctly utilize the word, but in this case - allow me to be redundant here - haha - we must use the word in its correct context.  My life cannot be considered redundant because my life is natural.  In a natural state of being, however, does my life fit the definition?  Redundantly so!

I know this may be getting confusing.  Believe me, I was confused by my own thoughts on this as well.  Its funny you see because I am living a life that fits the definition by form but in other words, breaks the definition down completely to mean nothing at all.  

Turtles live lives that resemble repetition, apparently this difference between repetition and redundancy makes for a confusing relation of the words.  Let us define “Repetition” then as ‘the act of repeating’ or ‘repeated action’.  So, don’t these words fit the same category within each other?  

Not really.  The reason for this differential is because of the fine lines in each definition.  To be redundant would be behavior that continues forth without necessity.  Whereas to be repetitive without excess is merely continuous behavior.  

Still confused?  Okay - let me sum this up.  I am a turtle what do I really know - these are just my reflections from the pond.  Otherwise, I urge you to practice with definition in your life.  Know what you say when you say it and understand that when you say something, people think you mean it.  Don’t become redundant nor repetitive in your speech.  Words are important - they mean something.  Be sure you know what they mean before you make assumption or judgement upon behavior, especially.  Know the difference between things like redundancy and repetition.  Notice the definition of a word before you use it.  

Recognize what you say when you mean it and what you mean when you say it.  This results in the reflection of any situation to be a lot more positive.  Just think of the peaceful turtle pond - redundant, repetitive, whatever it may be - it’s steady nonetheless.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Moving On

Well, Spencer and I have taken over our space.  I have grown SO fast and adding Spencer to the tank has prompted my human to upgrade.

So, we got a new 55 gallon tub with a super duper filter!  And some bigger rocks!  And more room to swim around!  It is just awesome!  

Can you tell how excited I am?  My human can.  Spencer and I have so much water in here… we are swimming in every direction.  Right, Left, Sideways, Up and down!  This is GREAT!  Spencer even swam backwards - haha.

As it may have been mentioned before, aquatic turtles require a sufficient habitat to meet the distinct needs we would have in nature (as does any turtle in captivity).  This includes plenty of space for us to dive around.

Our new tank is sixteen inches deep with water and at least as wide.  The best part, it is long.  The length of the tank far exceeds the depth and width by probably double, and this still is not even the best part.  The best part is we are by the window, in the corner of the room.  Now we can see everything that happens in here and sometimes we might even catch the sight of a passing bird outside.  How cool, right?!  I also look forward to the natural scent of the outdoors blowing in.

Mostly, this tank is like a real pond.  We are digging it!  I think my favorite part is floating at the top and then realizing I have all this extra space below me.  Or else my favorite new thing will be to swim behind these gigantic rocks, to explore.  This new territory is exactly what I was hoping for.

Now, if we could just have a few plants, I would probably be the happiest turtle on planet earth.  Well, except for Spencer.  He’s pretty happy too.  But does he really count as a turtle?   I haven’t decided yet.  Whatever planet he comes from, I bet they don’t have the coolest humans to build indoor ponds there.  Therefore, I could be the happiest turtle in the whole universe!  

I can’t wait to see what kind of habitat we get when we’re full grown.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Spencer's Tale

Well, last week I introduced you to Spencer.  Let us this week then, focus on his story some.

Spencer’s tail is way longer than mine.  He must be a boy.  Boy turtles have longer tails and claws than female turtles.  This is true among most species but predominant in ours.  At first I thought he just wasn’t grown into his shell enough.  I wondered what was wrong with him… then he started fluttering his flippers in front of my face and I knew better.  I fluttered right back of course, but after a while I gave up.  He can flirt with me all he wants, I like him enough.

Nonetheless, his neck is longer than mine too.  He is a spindly little character.  Very pretty though.  I mean, I’m pretty, he is too.

He likes bananas …. I wonder why.  My human has tried to feed them to me before but they are un-interesting.  Spencer likes everything.  He likes me a lot.  He REALLY likes the terrarium where we live.  I can’t think of anything that he doesn’t seem to like.  He’s a pretty cool guy.


As for his size, he better step up.  I’m about twice as big as he is, yet he is probably twice my age.  I’m unsure how old he is, but I know he is older than me because he keeps trying to play this mating game.  I won’t mate until I’m older, perhaps between the ages of 5-8.  Spencer must be going on about three years old and therefore he’s ready to mate up.  I ain’t having it, not now, not ever!  Ha.  I’m sure my human however would just love to hatch some baby turtles someday!

Otherwise, Spencer is just a turtle with a story to tell just as the rest of us.  I will share his thoughts here from time to time.  Basically, since he lives with me now, this will kind of become OUR story… but I get to keep the name of the blog.  Hehe.  I’m special like that.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Alien Invasion

And then there were two!

I got a new pond mate.  His name is Spencer.  He’s a red eared slider and he’s much smaller than I am.  Weird, because apparently, he’s a bit older than me.  That’s okay because I’m still bigger!

He looks like an alien.  Although, maybe some people think I look like an alien too.  At least I’ve disguised myself to look like a turtle.  He really looks like an alien.  From outer space!  It’s no wonder my human named him Spencer.  

I like him.  He’s even kinda cute.  Obviously not as cute as myself, though he is pretty darling.  

So, pretty much, we just swim around together.  

When he was first introduced to the tank we had a territory dance.  No big deal.  It was kind of like shaking hands.  We both flutter our front flipper feet at each other and kind of wiggle shake our bodies.  My human thinks its cute.  I just hope Spencer remembers no matter what, I was here first, and I’m the bigger turtle!  I think he’s a boy, and my human thinks I’m a girl, so this could be a mating ritual.  Even while he’s small and maybe a year or more older than me, I think he’s ready -  Not me, I won’t want anything to do with that for at least a few more years.  

Turtles are not aggressive animals.  Maybe aliens are not either.  Maybe he is an alien!  

He fits in just fine.  I do not think he realized at first that Ralph and Sophia (the Goldfish) are almost bigger than he is as well, so he won’t be eating them anytime, either.  When he first got here, he started swimming as fast as he could in circles chasing after Sophia.  I think Ralph was laughing - Ralph is near as big as me after all.

Since there are two of us now there is a whole lot more to say.  I have much more to keep me entertained.  Such as the way Spencer climbs atop of me while I’m basking upon my sacred rock.  He just moved right in and became uber comfortable with this space.  Maybe that is what aliens do to fit in.  Maybe all turtles are aliens.  Maybe I am an alien too!  Maybe this is why he likes me so much.  He just swims around me and always wants to know what I’m doing.  

Can you tell I’m a little hung up on his presence.  It’s weird looking at another version of oneself.  And because he is a red eared slider and I am a yellow bellied slider, well, he looks different.  Like an alien.