Friday, July 10, 2015

Just Bein A Turtle

There are not many adventures to talk about this week… so, I thought I would just say what’s on my mind.  I’m just bein’ a Turtle after all.

I swim around a lot.  I like to floa and sometimes, as you know, you will catch me basking upon my rocks.  What you don’t realize is the tenacity with which I hunt.  I’m a hunting prowess if you must know.

Mostly I hunt for leftover food in my terrarium.  I like to dig in the rocks to see if there is anything interesting to find.  Other times I am caught playing with cranberries leftover from treat time.  Lately, I haven’t had any fish to chase because apparently the feed store hasn’t had any.  Phewey!  

My human won’t buy goldfish for me anymore in case I don’t eat them.  She already transferred Ralph and Sophia into their own tank, but they are outgrowing that too.  Now she tells me she may put them back in here.  That could keep me occupied.  Even while Ralph is nearly as big as me now, I wouldn’t mind chasing him out of my way at feeding time.  The goldfish both always think it’s their food!

I just hope we get another turtle some day.  I really hope Spencer shows back up, but if he doesn’t I will get lonely enough to be glad for a friend.  Even if Spencer does show up, it would be neat to have a little baby floating around.

Otherwise, I got some new plants the other day.  They were neat, kind of like tiny little floating clovers that I was apparently supposed to eat.  My human put them right in front of my face… but the thing is, I don’t really like most stuff she tries to feed me.  I like shrimp and meal worms though, they are yummy!

Finally, to close up - just a few more words on loneliness to wrap up from last week - it may not be something that should make us sad.  Yes, I get lonely since Spencer disappeared but I realize too that I’ve done this before.  Furthermore, we should all have alone time now and then.  It’s a good time to be self reflective and disciplined.  For you humans at least.  I don’t need any discipline… I’m just a turtle…

My human keeps me entertained enough in the meantime so that I’m not going to be lonely - don’t you worry about me - I just wanted to make mention of the loneliness factor again because it’s kind of an important topic… People get lonely.  I’ve seen it in my own human.  Depression can set in over something like this and it’s important to understand that you are never lonely in this world.  

There is a powerful universe surrounding you which will provide you with all you ever wanted if you don’t let yourself become lonely.  Find something to keep yourself occupied.  You could write, or read - the obvious choices for a couple of nerds like my human and myself - or you could color or paint.  Enjoy an expensive glass of wine.  Soak up this life!  Every moment matters, whether you’re with someone or not.

Remember - I am wise beyond my years with the experience that comes of being a reptile.  Pay attention here - Just be YOU!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Home Alone

It’s been just over a week since Spencer went missing.  We are still looking for him.  Rather my human looks for him a little while every day.  It’s so weird, he’s just gone.  

So now I’m just floating around the tank all by my lonesome.  It’s not all so bad, I’ve been here alone before.  It’s just strange.  I used to be the one to be floating in the water all the time while Spencer hung out on the rocks.  Now I climb to the top of the rocks where he used to go and see the room from his view.  I imagine if he is found my human will modify this space again so that we both have more room to bask at the same time.  She’s always modifying things.

It does kind of stink being lonely.  There is nobody to share my thoughts with - even though Spencer and I don’t speak, we had our own conversations.  Now there is nobody to bump into when I’m swimming around.  Nobody to compete with when it’s feeding time.  Nobody to love me.

Well, that last part is not entirely true.  My human loves me, obviously.  Einstein the cat still likes me enough to sit upon the desktop where he can watch me swimming sometimes.  It’s just not the same as having someone next to me all the time.  Spencer really loved me.  Now I miss the way he would flutter his flippers in front of my face.  I usually ignored him when he did that.  Maybe if he is found, I will pay closer attention to him.

Its weird when you lose someone or something close to your heart.  There becomes a void that never goes away.  It slowly fades into something that was just there before and is not now, but there is always an emptiness that comes with this absence.

For now we continue to pray that Spencer is either found or safe at very least.  We are missing him and remembering all the fun times we had together.  Reminiscing is a safe way to keep his memory alive.

As the saying goes - if he was meant to be ours he will come back to us, if not, he was never ours in the first place.