Friday, June 26, 2015

The Saga of the Lost Turtle

Spencer went missing yesterday!  We are are so sad.  My human brought us out into the yard to play and even while she was specifically keeping her eye on Spencer, he simply got away.  

This is a tragedy for my human.  I’m okay.  A little confused yes, but alas, I am a turtle and I shall live out my long years wondering what Spencer got himself into if he is not found.

It was apparent that my human was in utter shambles when he got away.  She was sitting right there practically watching him escape and as she gave him a few seconds before she got up to capture him… by the time she got to where he should have been, he just wasn’t there.  He wasn’t anywhere.  

See, contrary to popular belief, turtles can actually move quite fast.  We can also climb things, sideways even, and pull off other strange contortions that one may not think turtles could.  We are diggers and explorers and it is just any wonder where Spencer could be.

This is quite the unfortunate event, though my human doesn’t just give up on things like this.  That little turtle needs to get found.  I’ve already figured out what she’s doing when she’s taking water from the tank.  She’s setting up a trap for him outside where he may come looking for water.  I hope he comes looking for water.  I hope he knows where he is in relation to the yard and turns around comes home.  I wonder if he can smell the water from our tank.  I hope he can.  

There is good news and bad news for Spencer being out in the elements.  Thank goodness its summertime so he won’t freeze to death at night but there are raccoons around here and they would love a tasty treat like a turtle.  The good news is that if he isn’t found by a predator, he can live up to a month or more on his own out in the wild, even without anything to eat or drink.  That’s pretty amazing!

So for now, we are mourning the loss of a dear friend… we are praying that he is found safe and sound.  We will be looking for him daily until the search becomes utterly fruitless.  

Dear, Dear Spencer… what a little rascal.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Piggy Piggy Turtles

We love to eat!

Our human starves us!  Someone help!

Just kidding.  She feeds us well.  In fact, she just said I was fat yesterday.  While I don’t appreciate that, she’s right.  The fact is, Spencer and I are turtles and turtles love to explore and engage in things.  Most especially, food.  We love to eat things that we might find floating among our tank.  Or things that we see at the bottom of the tank.  Every so often there are ants crawling on our rocks… Spencer tries to eat them too.  There’s probably some good protein there.  Nonetheless - the point is this - we may look like turtles but we eat like pigs!  Or rather we would if our human allowed us.

For those of you visiting for the first time, perhaps I should elaborate.  I am merely one year old and I have grown five inches in that time.  Seems a lot being that I will only reach 13 inches at most, full grown… I’m six inches long right now.  

Spencer is smaller than I but he is already getting fat too.  

It must be difficult for our human to resist feeding us when we scratch and scrape at the side of the tank, practically screaming for her to feed us.  Like we’re starving.  It’s really great when she gives in and throws us a few shrimp.  I think I heard her say something to the other human about getting us some new guppies!  Yippee!  That will be sooo yummy.

It should be a good lesson for the human not to feed us everytime we beg.  It’s like giving in to a child and she could really use the practice for her own will power anyway.  Just because we act hungry does not mean we actually are.  Most likely we are only bored and looking for some attention.  

So the human says we’re piggy piggy turtles but really we’re just looking for a good time.  Perhaps now that summer is here we will be allowed to spend more time outside.  This will be good exercise and extra vitamin D!  

On another note - here’s a little reminder for you to check me and Spencer out on Periscope Friday nights at 7pm PST.  You can find and follow my human on Twitter @Scarlet_Nathan.  

See for yourself… we beg like begging little beggars.  Ask questions and see how cute we are!