Friday, July 10, 2015

Just Bein A Turtle

There are not many adventures to talk about this week… so, I thought I would just say what’s on my mind.  I’m just bein’ a Turtle after all.

I swim around a lot.  I like to floa and sometimes, as you know, you will catch me basking upon my rocks.  What you don’t realize is the tenacity with which I hunt.  I’m a hunting prowess if you must know.

Mostly I hunt for leftover food in my terrarium.  I like to dig in the rocks to see if there is anything interesting to find.  Other times I am caught playing with cranberries leftover from treat time.  Lately, I haven’t had any fish to chase because apparently the feed store hasn’t had any.  Phewey!  

My human won’t buy goldfish for me anymore in case I don’t eat them.  She already transferred Ralph and Sophia into their own tank, but they are outgrowing that too.  Now she tells me she may put them back in here.  That could keep me occupied.  Even while Ralph is nearly as big as me now, I wouldn’t mind chasing him out of my way at feeding time.  The goldfish both always think it’s their food!

I just hope we get another turtle some day.  I really hope Spencer shows back up, but if he doesn’t I will get lonely enough to be glad for a friend.  Even if Spencer does show up, it would be neat to have a little baby floating around.

Otherwise, I got some new plants the other day.  They were neat, kind of like tiny little floating clovers that I was apparently supposed to eat.  My human put them right in front of my face… but the thing is, I don’t really like most stuff she tries to feed me.  I like shrimp and meal worms though, they are yummy!

Finally, to close up - just a few more words on loneliness to wrap up from last week - it may not be something that should make us sad.  Yes, I get lonely since Spencer disappeared but I realize too that I’ve done this before.  Furthermore, we should all have alone time now and then.  It’s a good time to be self reflective and disciplined.  For you humans at least.  I don’t need any discipline… I’m just a turtle…

My human keeps me entertained enough in the meantime so that I’m not going to be lonely - don’t you worry about me - I just wanted to make mention of the loneliness factor again because it’s kind of an important topic… People get lonely.  I’ve seen it in my own human.  Depression can set in over something like this and it’s important to understand that you are never lonely in this world.  

There is a powerful universe surrounding you which will provide you with all you ever wanted if you don’t let yourself become lonely.  Find something to keep yourself occupied.  You could write, or read - the obvious choices for a couple of nerds like my human and myself - or you could color or paint.  Enjoy an expensive glass of wine.  Soak up this life!  Every moment matters, whether you’re with someone or not.

Remember - I am wise beyond my years with the experience that comes of being a reptile.  Pay attention here - Just be YOU!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Home Alone

It’s been just over a week since Spencer went missing.  We are still looking for him.  Rather my human looks for him a little while every day.  It’s so weird, he’s just gone.  

So now I’m just floating around the tank all by my lonesome.  It’s not all so bad, I’ve been here alone before.  It’s just strange.  I used to be the one to be floating in the water all the time while Spencer hung out on the rocks.  Now I climb to the top of the rocks where he used to go and see the room from his view.  I imagine if he is found my human will modify this space again so that we both have more room to bask at the same time.  She’s always modifying things.

It does kind of stink being lonely.  There is nobody to share my thoughts with - even though Spencer and I don’t speak, we had our own conversations.  Now there is nobody to bump into when I’m swimming around.  Nobody to compete with when it’s feeding time.  Nobody to love me.

Well, that last part is not entirely true.  My human loves me, obviously.  Einstein the cat still likes me enough to sit upon the desktop where he can watch me swimming sometimes.  It’s just not the same as having someone next to me all the time.  Spencer really loved me.  Now I miss the way he would flutter his flippers in front of my face.  I usually ignored him when he did that.  Maybe if he is found, I will pay closer attention to him.

Its weird when you lose someone or something close to your heart.  There becomes a void that never goes away.  It slowly fades into something that was just there before and is not now, but there is always an emptiness that comes with this absence.

For now we continue to pray that Spencer is either found or safe at very least.  We are missing him and remembering all the fun times we had together.  Reminiscing is a safe way to keep his memory alive.

As the saying goes - if he was meant to be ours he will come back to us, if not, he was never ours in the first place.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Saga of the Lost Turtle

Spencer went missing yesterday!  We are are so sad.  My human brought us out into the yard to play and even while she was specifically keeping her eye on Spencer, he simply got away.  

This is a tragedy for my human.  I’m okay.  A little confused yes, but alas, I am a turtle and I shall live out my long years wondering what Spencer got himself into if he is not found.

It was apparent that my human was in utter shambles when he got away.  She was sitting right there practically watching him escape and as she gave him a few seconds before she got up to capture him… by the time she got to where he should have been, he just wasn’t there.  He wasn’t anywhere.  

See, contrary to popular belief, turtles can actually move quite fast.  We can also climb things, sideways even, and pull off other strange contortions that one may not think turtles could.  We are diggers and explorers and it is just any wonder where Spencer could be.

This is quite the unfortunate event, though my human doesn’t just give up on things like this.  That little turtle needs to get found.  I’ve already figured out what she’s doing when she’s taking water from the tank.  She’s setting up a trap for him outside where he may come looking for water.  I hope he comes looking for water.  I hope he knows where he is in relation to the yard and turns around comes home.  I wonder if he can smell the water from our tank.  I hope he can.  

There is good news and bad news for Spencer being out in the elements.  Thank goodness its summertime so he won’t freeze to death at night but there are raccoons around here and they would love a tasty treat like a turtle.  The good news is that if he isn’t found by a predator, he can live up to a month or more on his own out in the wild, even without anything to eat or drink.  That’s pretty amazing!

So for now, we are mourning the loss of a dear friend… we are praying that he is found safe and sound.  We will be looking for him daily until the search becomes utterly fruitless.  

Dear, Dear Spencer… what a little rascal.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Piggy Piggy Turtles

We love to eat!

Our human starves us!  Someone help!

Just kidding.  She feeds us well.  In fact, she just said I was fat yesterday.  While I don’t appreciate that, she’s right.  The fact is, Spencer and I are turtles and turtles love to explore and engage in things.  Most especially, food.  We love to eat things that we might find floating among our tank.  Or things that we see at the bottom of the tank.  Every so often there are ants crawling on our rocks… Spencer tries to eat them too.  There’s probably some good protein there.  Nonetheless - the point is this - we may look like turtles but we eat like pigs!  Or rather we would if our human allowed us.

For those of you visiting for the first time, perhaps I should elaborate.  I am merely one year old and I have grown five inches in that time.  Seems a lot being that I will only reach 13 inches at most, full grown… I’m six inches long right now.  

Spencer is smaller than I but he is already getting fat too.  

It must be difficult for our human to resist feeding us when we scratch and scrape at the side of the tank, practically screaming for her to feed us.  Like we’re starving.  It’s really great when she gives in and throws us a few shrimp.  I think I heard her say something to the other human about getting us some new guppies!  Yippee!  That will be sooo yummy.

It should be a good lesson for the human not to feed us everytime we beg.  It’s like giving in to a child and she could really use the practice for her own will power anyway.  Just because we act hungry does not mean we actually are.  Most likely we are only bored and looking for some attention.  

So the human says we’re piggy piggy turtles but really we’re just looking for a good time.  Perhaps now that summer is here we will be allowed to spend more time outside.  This will be good exercise and extra vitamin D!  

On another note - here’s a little reminder for you to check me and Spencer out on Periscope Friday nights at 7pm PST.  You can find and follow my human on Twitter @Scarlet_Nathan.  

See for yourself… we beg like begging little beggars.  Ask questions and see how cute we are!


Friday, May 29, 2015


I’m just hanging out this week - not too much to say but a few words on redundancy.  I picked this topic because, well, it’s kind of a reflection of my life.   

I swim, I eat, I hang out with Spencer.  Sometimes I climb upon the rocks to take a bask.  Every day my human feeds us at morning and night.  Once in a while she brings us outside to play in the grass.  She lets us out in the house every now and again.  This gives us a chance to explore and get out of the tank to dry ourselves some.

Anyway, pretty boring, you think?  Well, you thought wrong.  My life may be redundant from day to day but I am a turtle after all.  Slow is how we roll.  I happen to think we live an extraordinary adventure each moment we are alive.

So let’s talk about redundancy then - you’re definition of the word is probably far different than mine because you see, I am a species born of instinct and intuition.  Therefore to be redundant is merely my life cycle.  

You may notice redundancy in your life from time to time.  Waking up, eating, eating again and again, and going to sleep each day - something about showers and brushing your teeth probably fits in there.  Nonetheless, this is redundant behavior, no?

Well - the dictionary defines “Redundant” as something being ‘in excess’.  There are obviously a few definitions to correctly utilize the word, but in this case - allow me to be redundant here - haha - we must use the word in its correct context.  My life cannot be considered redundant because my life is natural.  In a natural state of being, however, does my life fit the definition?  Redundantly so!

I know this may be getting confusing.  Believe me, I was confused by my own thoughts on this as well.  Its funny you see because I am living a life that fits the definition by form but in other words, breaks the definition down completely to mean nothing at all.  

Turtles live lives that resemble repetition, apparently this difference between repetition and redundancy makes for a confusing relation of the words.  Let us define “Repetition” then as ‘the act of repeating’ or ‘repeated action’.  So, don’t these words fit the same category within each other?  

Not really.  The reason for this differential is because of the fine lines in each definition.  To be redundant would be behavior that continues forth without necessity.  Whereas to be repetitive without excess is merely continuous behavior.  

Still confused?  Okay - let me sum this up.  I am a turtle what do I really know - these are just my reflections from the pond.  Otherwise, I urge you to practice with definition in your life.  Know what you say when you say it and understand that when you say something, people think you mean it.  Don’t become redundant nor repetitive in your speech.  Words are important - they mean something.  Be sure you know what they mean before you make assumption or judgement upon behavior, especially.  Know the difference between things like redundancy and repetition.  Notice the definition of a word before you use it.  

Recognize what you say when you mean it and what you mean when you say it.  This results in the reflection of any situation to be a lot more positive.  Just think of the peaceful turtle pond - redundant, repetitive, whatever it may be - it’s steady nonetheless.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Moving On

Well, Spencer and I have taken over our space.  I have grown SO fast and adding Spencer to the tank has prompted my human to upgrade.

So, we got a new 55 gallon tub with a super duper filter!  And some bigger rocks!  And more room to swim around!  It is just awesome!  

Can you tell how excited I am?  My human can.  Spencer and I have so much water in here… we are swimming in every direction.  Right, Left, Sideways, Up and down!  This is GREAT!  Spencer even swam backwards - haha.

As it may have been mentioned before, aquatic turtles require a sufficient habitat to meet the distinct needs we would have in nature (as does any turtle in captivity).  This includes plenty of space for us to dive around.

Our new tank is sixteen inches deep with water and at least as wide.  The best part, it is long.  The length of the tank far exceeds the depth and width by probably double, and this still is not even the best part.  The best part is we are by the window, in the corner of the room.  Now we can see everything that happens in here and sometimes we might even catch the sight of a passing bird outside.  How cool, right?!  I also look forward to the natural scent of the outdoors blowing in.

Mostly, this tank is like a real pond.  We are digging it!  I think my favorite part is floating at the top and then realizing I have all this extra space below me.  Or else my favorite new thing will be to swim behind these gigantic rocks, to explore.  This new territory is exactly what I was hoping for.

Now, if we could just have a few plants, I would probably be the happiest turtle on planet earth.  Well, except for Spencer.  He’s pretty happy too.  But does he really count as a turtle?   I haven’t decided yet.  Whatever planet he comes from, I bet they don’t have the coolest humans to build indoor ponds there.  Therefore, I could be the happiest turtle in the whole universe!  

I can’t wait to see what kind of habitat we get when we’re full grown.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Spencer's Tale

Well, last week I introduced you to Spencer.  Let us this week then, focus on his story some.

Spencer’s tail is way longer than mine.  He must be a boy.  Boy turtles have longer tails and claws than female turtles.  This is true among most species but predominant in ours.  At first I thought he just wasn’t grown into his shell enough.  I wondered what was wrong with him… then he started fluttering his flippers in front of my face and I knew better.  I fluttered right back of course, but after a while I gave up.  He can flirt with me all he wants, I like him enough.

Nonetheless, his neck is longer than mine too.  He is a spindly little character.  Very pretty though.  I mean, I’m pretty, he is too.

He likes bananas …. I wonder why.  My human has tried to feed them to me before but they are un-interesting.  Spencer likes everything.  He likes me a lot.  He REALLY likes the terrarium where we live.  I can’t think of anything that he doesn’t seem to like.  He’s a pretty cool guy.


As for his size, he better step up.  I’m about twice as big as he is, yet he is probably twice my age.  I’m unsure how old he is, but I know he is older than me because he keeps trying to play this mating game.  I won’t mate until I’m older, perhaps between the ages of 5-8.  Spencer must be going on about three years old and therefore he’s ready to mate up.  I ain’t having it, not now, not ever!  Ha.  I’m sure my human however would just love to hatch some baby turtles someday!

Otherwise, Spencer is just a turtle with a story to tell just as the rest of us.  I will share his thoughts here from time to time.  Basically, since he lives with me now, this will kind of become OUR story… but I get to keep the name of the blog.  Hehe.  I’m special like that.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Alien Invasion

And then there were two!

I got a new pond mate.  His name is Spencer.  He’s a red eared slider and he’s much smaller than I am.  Weird, because apparently, he’s a bit older than me.  That’s okay because I’m still bigger!

He looks like an alien.  Although, maybe some people think I look like an alien too.  At least I’ve disguised myself to look like a turtle.  He really looks like an alien.  From outer space!  It’s no wonder my human named him Spencer.  

I like him.  He’s even kinda cute.  Obviously not as cute as myself, though he is pretty darling.  

So, pretty much, we just swim around together.  

When he was first introduced to the tank we had a territory dance.  No big deal.  It was kind of like shaking hands.  We both flutter our front flipper feet at each other and kind of wiggle shake our bodies.  My human thinks its cute.  I just hope Spencer remembers no matter what, I was here first, and I’m the bigger turtle!  I think he’s a boy, and my human thinks I’m a girl, so this could be a mating ritual.  Even while he’s small and maybe a year or more older than me, I think he’s ready -  Not me, I won’t want anything to do with that for at least a few more years.  

Turtles are not aggressive animals.  Maybe aliens are not either.  Maybe he is an alien!  

He fits in just fine.  I do not think he realized at first that Ralph and Sophia (the Goldfish) are almost bigger than he is as well, so he won’t be eating them anytime, either.  When he first got here, he started swimming as fast as he could in circles chasing after Sophia.  I think Ralph was laughing - Ralph is near as big as me after all.

Since there are two of us now there is a whole lot more to say.  I have much more to keep me entertained.  Such as the way Spencer climbs atop of me while I’m basking upon my sacred rock.  He just moved right in and became uber comfortable with this space.  Maybe that is what aliens do to fit in.  Maybe all turtles are aliens.  Maybe I am an alien too!  Maybe this is why he likes me so much.  He just swims around me and always wants to know what I’m doing.  

Can you tell I’m a little hung up on his presence.  It’s weird looking at another version of oneself.  And because he is a red eared slider and I am a yellow bellied slider, well, he looks different.  Like an alien.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Growing Up

Well, my human has had a rough go at inspiration regarding my story over the past several weeks so she decided to sit and chat with me.  For the first time in months she removed me from the tank for a short hour or so and was astonished to find how I have grown.  You must recognize how different I look to the human eye under water in comparison to being close up and personal.

I am getting so BIG!

Growing up is hard to do - that’s what I have heard people say anyway.  I do not think it is particularly difficult, really.  I just grow.  Not necessarily up either.  I guess humans grow UP - because they become taller as they grow.    I just grow larger.  By volume and weight.

Well too, I suppose I grow mentally.  Turtles are more instinctual animals rather than being classified as those that think.  As it is referred to as intelligence, ‘they say’ that turtles are not very smart.  I am not quite sure how that is classified… perhaps on the scale of IQ.  But I assure you, my brain is growing right along with my body.  Those scientists must know something about my brain that I do not!  Ha.

I sure do look like I am thinking a lot.  I will tell you what I think about - I think about FOOD.  It is all I do care about really - aside of my basking hours.  I must say, it is really a very simple life… Growing up shouldn’t be hard to do at all…..

Friday, February 27, 2015

Mmm Mmm Good

Winter time is a great time for eating.  There doesn’t seem to be much else to do beside swim around the pond, after all.  It is cold outside and there is dormancy about the landscape.  My human does not much like the cold, nor do I.  Therefore, we stay inside.  This has given me plenty of time to brush up on my hunting skills.  

Where there once were three guppies, now there are none.  I have become quite frustrated with Ralph however - he is one of the goldfish my human tried to feed me… but he grew up before I could eat him.  The guy is a real pest.  He is always trying to get to my food while my human feeds me.  Sometimes I bite him.  Sometimes its not by accident.  He’s bruised up for sure, he just never learns.   While I have grown accustom to his presence, I am forever annoyed with him.

Turtles taste buds are different from humans in that they are not well developed.  Efficient enough… but that is all.  Only a few species of turtle even have taste buds.  So you can imagine how important it is to me to enjoy the things I can taste.  Like shrimp.  My human bought me some new shrimp the other day -

Looking forward to spring time when the clovers and the dandelions begin to bloom.  My human will surely pick them fresh and feed them to me.  If I’m lucky she will plant some grass in my tank soon.  I hear rumor that she’s thinking of modifying my space again.  This will surely lead to a fresh batch of goldfish.-  that should make it easier for me to catch Ralph... once I get just a little bit bigger.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Smells like...

Firewood and sea air.  A mist of the aroma of lavender floats through the room along with the sweet scent of Jamocha Haze - the vapor.  There is usually incense burning - Nag Champa - only the best, and a candle is lit in the corner - just because the ambiance a candle creates is so sensual.

My human keeps a nice environment.  My habitat is super cool too and I enjoy watching her live in hers as much as she enjoys watching me live in mine.  The neat thing is she not only keeps it neat and tidy, but it always smells good too!

Scent is a phenomenal conductor.  Biologically, there are pheromones.  The idea of these hormones is surely incorporated into the literal world of perfumes and colognes.  It’s no wonder you humans walk around smelling like flowers and such all the time.

In the natural world - otherwise known as the biological universe - we species of the earth use the instinct and God given sense of smell.  This is how we find our food and otherwise.  While our vision is best for all kinds of things that require senses, there is no denying the scent of a mate.  Compatibility.  Genetics.  Maybe in the case of a human, trust, honesty - while they go hand in hand - there is always the scent of dishonesty.  It is an intellectually instinctual capability.   Trust is earned, there should be no misinterpretations there.

The sense of smell is so very important to our daily lives.  All of us.  We may love the smell of roses and understand that the odor bacteria brings can mean danger but do we also know that our sensory organs related to our sense of smell also controls how we taste?  That is important - we will talk about the goldfish, Ralph, next week - I’m sure he is delicious - I can smell his blood when I bite at him for trying to steal my food.  Getting back to the point - beyond the scent of blood and perfume, I smell for my sense of surrounding.  One pond never smells like the next.  Especially after my pond is cleaned each week - always so fresh.

Wrapping up for this week - just remember your senses - all of them.  Nostrils are not just for breathing.  Pay Attention to the things your nose might tell you.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Who's Really Listening?

Yes it is true, I see you before I hear you - but I hear you just fine nonetheless.  I hear at higher frequencies than you do and will likely act on instinct through vibration before actually hearing anything - such as an approaching predator.

Research will tell you that turtles do not hear well…  

Who’s really listening anyway?  

Well, I’m listening - with my ears and my eyes.  If one should really pay attention - one can listen with ones heart.  If one should pay closer attention, one will hear with ones soul.  This is where the instinct comes in.  

Are you really listening?

--- It is said that turtles do not make any sound.  Well then, how on earth would we communicate? ---

The turtles’ ears are very complex and dynamic in their build.  It is no wonder we don’t hear all so well on land, but under water, significantly better.

Interesting facts relate to the idea that all turtles must be relative of an ancient ancestor which was surely aquatic, according to the way the ears have developed.  It is even thought that desert tortoises would hear better if they stuck their heads under water.

Have you heard? - Turtles do have ears.  And we can hear you too.  When you look closely, you may see me listening to you playing the guitar or writing a story out on the keyboard.  I’m very interested actually and I’ll even enjoy a little conversation from time to time.  Of course, you will need to do all of the talking.

I will listen.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Turtle Vision

As you very well know, I am a reptile. What you may not very well know is the sense of my eyesight. It is awesome! Turtle’s have incredible eyesight and thus, may recognize our owners (or frequenters of the pond) by sight, before scent or audible tones. This vision makes it easier for me to predict when I should be preparing to hide in my shell or else ‘slide’ back into the water when a predatory character may be nearing. Like Einstein the cat. Although, there is a difference between sight and vision - There are many stories of people having visions - seeing the future, better understanding the past. A “Vision” is defined …. ‘something seen in a dream, trance or religious ecstasy, ESPECIALLY a SUPERNATURAL appearance that conveys a revelation.’ : the ability to see : sight or eyesight (of course!) : something that you imagine : a picture that you see in your mind : something ath you see or dream especially as part of a religious or supernatural experience. Here is some proportion - Sight! When one sees something, they have viewed or are viewing it. Though, when one has a vision (or envisions something), it is the mind’s eye that one has seen with. ------------------- When asked about being a man of vision, Captain Woodrow F. Call replied - “A Man of Vision You say?” - - - “Yeah, one hell of a vision.” This quote is cut from the scene of a famous western novel and televised screenplay - Lonesome Dove - whereupon two retired Texas Rangers set out in the Old West to drive a herd of cattle to Montana. What a ride! A man of vision. ... his visions were were considerate of reflection, whereas prophecy is often considered under this definitionary tone, Call reflected upon the ride North after burying his best friend and (depending upon your imagination, the scene from the movie depicts the emotion so much better) - Call recalls the journey with his friend. He recollects the events which changed his life and brought him right back where he started from to make a promise. The scene in both literary and film format realize the significance of portraying emotion while Call remembers what he envisioned and what he actually saw. --------------------- A dear friend died several years ago that was a great influence to my human mother. After her death, my human saw visions of turtles that held great significance in her healing. And now! Here I am…. A staple in my human’s daily routines. Wonder how that coulda happened? I can tell you how, actually. Spirit comes with vision. Vision is not merely something you see. It might be something within you. Or it might be something within the universe held specifically for you. Either way it is a primitive process. This just reflection from the pond.

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Sounds of Music

My human is listening to 90’s music.  What was that anyway?  The 90’s?

Well, according to the sounds coming through the speakers in my room, near my pond, daily, I am guestimating that the 90’s must have been a significant place for my human.  Grungie - that’s what they called it.  I don’t quite understand the label, but the music is jammin’!

So what were the nineties and how do they compare to my own generation?  I am merely a child of the wilderness and music is an art unknown to my species outside of being domesticated [pets].  Typically, I might listen to the sounds of birds chirping and bugs buzzing… perhaps the fish plopping at the surface of the water nearby or the sweet drizzling trickle of the fresh water in the stream where I may live.  

But instead, I live with my human.  She is awesome.  She listens to all the sounds of the pond as well as her own taste in humanified tunes.

I imagine after I’ve lived for several decades, music may play an integral part in my being as well.  Perhaps I will enjoy it when the human replays music from this, the post millennial era.

Consider this - maybe Taylor Swift isn’t just a trending star… I know I will be listening to her songs for decades.  There are so many to list, but since she popped off my skull we’ll use her as a prime example of sounds that will last throughout generations.  

According to Michael Campbell’s research in ‘Music’ a collegiate text -

“A thousand years from now, historians with access to today’s artifacts will be able to reconstruct musical life in our time with considerable precision and in excruciating detail.”

This in comparison to the opposing issue in researching music of the first centuries in time whereas “there is almost no documentary evidence of music being made [in Europe] around the year 1000.”  -- this also according to Michael Campbell’s research.

It seems as though music is transforming along the way - whereupon the differential of genre is quite a spectacular similarity these days.  

The sounds of music are in a transformative process.  Much like the human race.  Believe me, my ancestors have been around a lot longer than you all, humanoids.  Music has become more so something which one follows rather than what one may simply listen to.  

Back to Taylor Swift, her music alone has made great strides for those that wish to cross genre boundaries.  It was for this reason that she denoted her music from a very popular music application in which she stated that musicians’ art should be respected, and paid for!  While I am only a reptile and therefore have no reason for debate to this issue - I am merely mentioning this in relation to the importance of respecting musical talent, just as one may respect written talent, or the skills of an actor that performs action sets.  

Musicians are talented folks.  Their genius deserves great accolades.  

This is a spiritual concept too you know... The first styles of historically recorded music date back to religious circles - primitive folks, like myself.  

If I could make noise (turtles do not), I would be singing all the time.  

So take this information and do with it what you will… Just remember one thing - Music is life --- and the beat goes on.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Did you know that thirteen is actually a representation of the zodiacs… not some mysterious omen of bad luck?  Well, it was that too during the medieval times, but from where I stand… the Thirteen scutes on the bottom of my shell are representative of life itself…

Remember our previous discussions about the Chinese beliefs, and the Indians of North America too?

Here’s another spin:

Turtles also play a significant role in the zodiacs.  Perhaps you have studied astrology or maybe it interests you just enough to follow along here…

We’re going deep here people - get your snorkels on.

During the Neolithic period ---- whoa!  Pay attention here - the “Black Turtle” represented the North.  This is dating back to an era before civilizations!  

To give you some history - the Black Turtle of the North is one of four symbols within the Chinese thought, of constellations within our universe.  It may also be referred to as the Black Tortoise and is thought to protect the Northern cities.  While we know the turtle represents longevity, this was a powerful symbol of protection.

And so, herein… see the astrological significance of tortoises and turtles deriving from the Chinese Zodiacs…  

Tortoises have the Tropical Sun sign of Sagittarius, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Sheep.

Turtles have the Sun sign of Cancer, and are born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rabbit.

This is what we call Primal Astrology - - - There is a deep connection here.  

For example, my human is a Tortoise, by nature of being a Sagittarius, by nature of the way the stars were aligned on the date and month and time that she was born.  So... this astrological alignment correlates with her spirit animal... (her primal zodiac sign) in Chinese is a Sheep.  This belief system follows many cultures throughout the world.  It is karmic.  As another example, in the Native American Indian civilizations, because of the way the stars are examined here, the spirit animals may be different according to each life path.  

These beliefs may also correlate with Numerology.

These are the deepest beliefs within this planet that serve more so as the concepts of different realms within this reality, that which we think we know, exists.

These are very philosophical thought processes and therefore some either do not know the existence of such a belief, or choose to disregard it completely.

There is lots to learn about the turtle and the combinations of influences that correlate alongside the myths and horoscopes and primal significances of our species.  Just as the zodiac is represented by signs and dates and years related to your birth charts… so as the turtle is represented throughout the primal aspect of astrology to outline the definitive chapters of your lives.

Further research may benefit you.  Or maybe not.  In the meantime, know that if a turtle crosses your path - there IS significance there.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Wrapping Up

As a new year approaches, whilst the old year fades away, methinks we should reflect and prepare.

I have grown significantly since hatching from my egg sometime in late April or early May 2014 -  at nearly the size of a half of a baseball, whereas I started out smaller than a dollar coin piece.

Morphing from a young hatchling into a baby turtle feels great.  My human mother and I are very much looking forward to seeing what the new year will bring.  We look forward to sunny, productive days!  Every year deserves a few lazy days too.   Truthfully, I’m looking most forward to spring time.  I am sure my human will create an outdoor habitat for me to play in and it will be the most fun.

My human mother loves to watch me grow.  As we all know, the favorite part of both mine and her day is when I am basking upon my rock, observing the room around me.  I am now upon the sixth rock that will hold my size.  It’s a good one though, this should last a while.

In terms of 2014… there was a lot to talk about.  We started this blog for example.  This is a whole new adventure for everyone involved.  What a great time!  

As always - Welcome and Thank you for your support!  

This year the human is working on some very important projects beside this simple little diary of me.  And so, for those of you that were anticipating a story guideline here with a focus of any particular sort… we can essentially throw that out the window.  The human is here to write my story and correlate other worldy functions that relate to me.  This leads to the perhaps disappointing news that you may not expect the human to start video recording and audio recording blog posts as previously promised.  Please quit waiting for the day to come as the human has found herself wrapped up in several other projects which are a bit more important than this simple blog about me - the turtle.